
Alerts are very common in most of the applications. To provide feedback to use to any of his / her actions, we make use of alerts. There are multiple types of alerts available as mentioned below.

Simple Alert

As the name indicates, they are simple alerts — they give a specific message to user. Use the class .alert and use any of the classes .alert-info, .alert-error, .alert-success or .alert-warning to create different kinds of alerts.

This is an example of info alert

This is an example of success alert

This is an example of error alert

This is an example of warning alert

add your info message here
add your success message here
add your error message here
add your warning message here

Alerts with Icons

These are simple alerts with icons.

Information alert with icon
Success alert with icon
Error alert with icon
Warning alert with icon

Information alert with icon
success alert with icon
error alert with icon
warning alert with icon

Outline Alert

As the name indicates, they are simple alerts — they give a specific message to user. Use the class .alert and use any of the classes .alert-outline-info, .alert-outline-error, .alert-outline-success or .alert-outline-warning to create different kinds of alerts.

This is an example of info alert with outline.

This is an example of success alert with outline.

This is an example of error alert with outline.

This is an example of warning alert with outline.

add your info message here
add your success message here
add your error message here
add your warning message here